The inspiriation for this trip can be found here:

When Grapenut first posted this I had just learned of the epidemic myself and the statistic blew me away. After doing further research, it appears that the number "22" may be somewhat misleading, however, it is a statistical fact that veterans commit suicide at a rate that exceeds the general population by 50%. That's an indicator that there are major issues among our veterans, and just one is still too many.

Several other articles are available as well, a simple Google search will help you learn more.

That said, when Grapenut posted this article, as a veteran myself I was touched, and I wanted to do the same thing for my little corner of the world.

On February 10th, weather permitting, My nephew, also a Marine Veteran, and I will hike 22 miles on the AT to try to do just that.

Our plan is to hike from Neel Gap (parking at the Byron Reece parking area and taking the trail from there versus the shorter road walk) to Unicoi Gap. As near as I can tell that's pretty close (close enough for government work we used to say) to 22 miles.

I know it's fairly short notice, but if anyone feels like they're up to the challenge then contact me, and join us. Or, plan your own event, and document and share it.

If you know any veterans, check on them. Be there for them. I'll post a little more in depth about this later.

Help get the word about this issue out to your corner of the world as well.