Thank you everyone for posting helpful knowledge as well as concerns about the pandemic.
I have taken all actions required to abide by NH and ME CDC regulations.
I appreciate the kind messages while the thread was not available.
I am looking forward to the trip, and will certainly post a trip report upon my return.

If anyone has further information or data to share please do so that others and myself can gain the knowledge.

This is what I have planned but am going to let the weather determine schedule, and order of the sections.

Franconia Notch to Crawford Notch - NOBO 2.5 days backpack 27.7 miles

Mt Washington Summit to Crawford - SObo Slackpack 12.5
Mt Wasington summit to Pinkham - NObo Slackpack 13.5

Pinkham Notch to Gorham - NoBo 2 days backpack 21.1
Gorham, NH to Grafton Notch ME - Nobo 3 Days backpack 31.1

Grafton Notch to East B HIll Rd - NObo slackpack 10.3
East B Hill Rd to south Arm - NoBo Slackpack 10.1
South Arm to ME17 - Nobo Slackpack 13.3

This leaves me with 2-3 zero days to take, and a daily average of <10 miles per day. Extra zeros/ time can be picked from the backside of the trip if needed