I've been researching how to access the Audie Murphy Monument, but most of the info I've found is very dated.
Does anyone have recent experience with the condition of Brush Mtn Rd off VA624 that leads to the Audie Murphy Trail parking area?

I need to know:

Is the road passable by a Mini Cooper? I'm pretty sure the Rohland pics are nearing a decade old, so I was hoping some improvements may have been done to the road itself, and that it hasn't degraded instead.

Is the trail doable by a pair of codgers? Again, Rohlands indicates that the parking area is at the top of the mountain, at the top of the 1500ft climb out of Craig Creek. But is there much elevation in the remaining .7 mile? The surface, an old road, looks fine, but I'll never talk my hubby into a climb.

I'm anticipating about a 1 hr round trip (1.4mi) at old-folks' pace (mine)...does this sound reasonable?

As usual, thanks for any and all info.