It seems like everyone has their own personal strategies for dealing with chafing. Here are some that have worked for me or for others that I've been around:

Wash up as often as possible, ideally every night after stopping for the day:
- quick dip in river/lake/stream, NOT small sources used for drinking water
- sponge bath when an appropriate swimming hole isn't available
- carry some wet-wipes in the resealable travel packs

Use the wet-wipes with TP when visiting the privy to keep as clean and dry as possible.

Use gold-bond power, vaseline intensive care moisturizing lotion, or similar at night to promote overnight healing of areas that are chaffing.

Find the 'Body-Glide' brand anti-chafe lotion. It comes in a deodorant type stick and can be applied throughout the day to keep your tender areas "lubricated". It is typically sold for bikers and long distance runners but I just saw it in EMS the other day so I think outfitters are catching on.

Find a shorts/underwear combo that works for you. For some people it is a kilt/skirt or going commando to promote ventilation. For others it is a boxer-brief layer to minimize skin-on-skin rubbing (this worked for me).

Don't sleep in the clothes you hike in. Wash up and sleep in your birthday suit or some lightweight clothing that you use just for sleeping and/or camp.

Use a silk bag liner to keep your sleeping bag clean. It is *MUCH* easier to wash the liner than to wash the bag.