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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Roots Farm, Winterville, GA

    Default Bush administration attack on hiking opportunities -speak out today-

    American Hiking Society’sCapitol Trails Broadcast

    E-Trails Alert for Hikers

    October 2005, No. 85

    Sign the Citizen’s Petition to Help Protect Our Last Roadless Forests!

    On May 5, the Bush administration repealed the widely supported Roadless Area Conservation Rule, opening nearly sixty million acres of America's last wild National Forests to logging, road construction, mining, oil exploration, and other forms of development.

    Under the new policy, if governors wish to have roadless areas within their state protected, they must complete a burdensome petition process and file their recommendations with political appointees at the Department of Agriculture. The federal government is free to accept, modify or reject these petitions, while elected officials and citizens outside those states will have no say about the fate of these shared national treasures.

    The many ecological benefits of roadless areas — such as large, undisturbed landscapes, improving air and water quality, and preserving habitat for plant and animal species — are all important to hikers and the hiking experience. Roadless areas provide outstanding backcountry recreational opportunities and include thousands of trails across the country.

    American Hiking Society and conservationists throughout the country are joining together to file an official petition with the Bush administration to demand the reinstatement of the 2001 rule that limited logging and road-building on nearly sixty million acres of national forests. The petition will be filed under the auspices of the Administrative Procedures Act, which allows citizens to request that the government, issue, amend, or revoke federal rules.

    We believe that:

    America's last roadless National Forests belong to each and every American and all our remaining roadless areas should be protected, completely and permanently through reinstatement of the Roadless Area Conservation Rule of 2001.

    Join the Petition

    If you agree with the statement above, please join your fellow Americans and sign the petition TODAY! It's quick, easy, and can help ensure our pristine National Forests remain wild for future generations. A petition with all of the signatures will be presented to President Bush and the Department of Agriculture. Additionally, a copy of the petition will be delivered to your Governor.

    Tell Your Friends & Family

    We need citizens from every state and all walks of life to sign the petition and join the effort to protect our last wild forests. Please take a moment and forward the petition around and help us generate many more signatures.

    Click here to learn more about this issue.

    Thank you!
    www.ridge2reef.org -Organic Tropical Farm, Farm Stays, Group Retreats.... Trail life in the Caribbean

  2. #2
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    I know from previous posts that you are very sincere in what you say and you probably truly think that Bush is evil (forgive me if this term is too strong), but you might benefit the cause you care about more by toning down the rhetoric. The subject of your thread may prevent Republicans who agree with you from signing the petition. If you focused more on the issue at hand, rather than on your dislike of Bush, you might get more support.

    Anyway, you know what free advice is worth.


  3. #3


    Yeah, Wookie change "Bush gang's" to BushCo!

    Signed and sent!

  4. #4
    Hikin' my own hike Crazy Legs's Avatar
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    Cumberland, MD


    I hope this word is spread across many different forums. It's a simple thing to sign this petition, but will hopefully have a great impact. If anyone knows of any other action that is being taken, please share!

  5. #5
    GA-VA 2005, VA-CT 2007, CT-ME ??
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    Atlanta, Georgia


    Thanks for posting Wookie. On a side note, I would argue that the problem isn't Bush per se, but lack of local control. Governors have to "petition" for approval from a federal department? That's absurd. We haven't had a functional 10th Amendment for decades.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by dougmeredith

    I know from previous posts that you are very sincere in what you say and you probably truly think that Bush is evil (forgive me if this term is too strong), but you might benefit the cause you care about more by toning down the rhetoric. The subject of your thread may prevent Republicans who agree with you from signing the petition. If you focused more on the issue at hand, rather than on your dislike of Bush, you might get more support.

    Anyway, you know what free advice is worth.

    This is sage advice Wook, hope you think it over.

    I signed.

  7. #7


    Here in Florida Brother Bush put a stop to that **** in a hurry. We have unimproved tax laws here. The federal Government pays very little in property taxes unless they improve the property. The taxes are increased like they are developing the land. They took the state to court and lost. There won't be more roads here. Just so you know not all Bushes are the same.


  8. #8


    As an AHS Staffer, I work with lots & lots of volunteers from all over the political spectrum. That's one of the great things about hiking. Regardless of what you do in the voting booth, we can all agree that hiking or backpacking is enjoyable. In fact, I often backpack with folks that I hardly ever agree with politically.

    I appreciate Tha Wookie posting this announcement from our Conservation Director. It is an important issue no matter how you vote.

    This issue generated more public comments than any issue that the USDA Forest Service has ever tackled. More than 90% of the comments were in favor of the Roadless Rules. That means lots of Conservative, Liberals, Tree Huggers, Hunters, and lots & lots of other folks raised their voices in favor of protecting existing roadless areas.

    If you've got a minute, and enjoy wild places, please take a moment and check out the petition.

    Jeffrey Hunter

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Roots Farm, Winterville, GA

    Default OK, ok... let's all nonpartisonally speak out against the administration's actions

    Alright, forget I mentioned our president and his assortment of questionable cohorts in their recent legal actions that led to my passing along of the post.

    Doug, your advice is very good, and well taken. It might have been more effective not to use the word Bush or Gang. I just don't have any emotional attachment to the man, so I don't care what people say about him. He really doesn't actually exist anyway. I'm not sure if he's ever had a thought on his own. I never even see him -I see straight through him. When I titled the posting, I just looked at another thread in the forum and was trying to say something other than admistration. I thought "gang" sounded a lot better than "terrorists" or "thugs", but they all apply.

    By the way, that name is soley MY view, and not the view of AHS. They are amazingly silent on the Bush front, since they have to be as a non-profit. Unfortunately, the attack on hiking opportunuties does come from a political body. I imagine they do a lot of editing trying to not spell out reality (meaning the obvious side that attacks hiking areas) because of their financial obligations. Considering their status, I suppose that is fair.

    I, however, have the luxury of being as politically incorrect as I please, since I am independent. There is a reason for that. Maybe one day I will join a non-profit organization and zip my mouth shut. That is, after all, how the system is designed.

    So before I retract, only for the sake of hiker solidarity, the word "gang", I'll spell out the definition and let you decide if it is appropriate:

    GANG n. 1. A number of persons acting or operating together; a group; a squad. -Webster

    We can stand together and undo it.
    www.ridge2reef.org -Organic Tropical Farm, Farm Stays, Group Retreats.... Trail life in the Caribbean

  10. #10

    Default Don't forget to follow up!

    Quote Originally Posted by dougmeredith
    ...you might benefit the cause you care about more by toning down the rhetoric.
    Doug - Wook only said "gang", that's hardly "rhetoric" worth "toning down"! I probably would've typed "The Bush Crime Family", myself. And that's still too tame a term for the mob that's taken control of the Republican Party.

    Jeffery - Thanks for all you do to help Trails and Hikers, especially in with the Southern Appalachian Initiative.

    Wook - I got that email today too. The American Hiking Society trailblazed activism in support of our Trails, and they are well worth our support. I had a conservation via emails with Celina a while back about the real impact of emails and online petitions vs. actual letters and phone calls. She agreed that while e-support is very important, letters and phone calls carry more weight. Sign the petitions, send the emails - but follow up with a letter or phone call if you can!

    everyone - You don't have to join the AHS (but I hope you do consider joining) to get the e-mail alerts. Go to http://www.americanhiking.org/ and subscribe to the e-trails alert. If the AHS sounds familiar to you, it's probably because you've heard of National Trails Day, an AHS event held each June!
    from the AHS email:
    To call your Member of Congress:

    US Capitol Switchboard

    (202) 224-3121

    To locate your Member on-line:

    U.S. House of Representatives: http://www.house.gov/
    U.S. Senate: http://www.senate.gov/

    White House: http://www.whitehouse.gov/

    Library of Congress: http://thomas.loc.gov/
    Comprehensive information about Congress, including legislation, committees, and Member information. Also provides links to other judicial and administrative branches as well as state and local governments.

    "[ATers] represent three percent of our use and about twenty percent of our effort," retired Baxter Park Director Jensen Bissell.

  11. #11


    Thanks Teej.

    I had been meaning to join AHS for awhile now and finally did. Plus, if you join now you get a years subscription to Backpacker Magazine. A twofer!!!!

  12. #12
    Runnin' on Empty Teatime's Avatar
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    Melissa, TX

    Default Local Control

    Bravo on your mentioning the 10th ammendment, Whistler.
    Quote Originally Posted by Whistler
    Thanks for posting Wookie. On a side note, I would argue that the problem isn't Bush per se, but lack of local control. Governors have to "petition" for approval from a federal department? That's absurd. We haven't had a functional 10th Amendment for decades.

  13. #13
    Runnin' on Empty Teatime's Avatar
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    Melissa, TX


    Also, wasn't this roadless rule put into affect by Pres. Clinton through an executive order almost the day before he left office? That ain't right either.
    When policies are made, those who make them must look at all sides of an issue and try to do what is best for all. We on Whiteblaze might tend to look at things with tunnel vision because our interests only lie with protecting the trail. This is a good and noble thing to do and needs to be done. However, we shouldn't demonize and spew hate at those, who because of their responsibilities, must look at all aspects of policy, not just the A.T. Let us bring our argument with facts and logic, not just blind passion. A pursuassive argument backed by logic, common sense and facts is hard to resist. Ranting and raving against the president, I'm afraid, won't get you very far except with those who already hate him anyway.
    BTW, I won't be supporting the petition or joining the AHS. Sorry. I AM an ATC member and do support its goals because I think they are reasonable.
    Last edited by Teatime; 10-15-2005 at 07:34. Reason: Adding comment

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Teatime
    BTW, I won't be supporting the petition or joining the AHS. Sorry. I AM an ATC member and do support its goals because I think they are reasonable.
    If I'm not mistaken the ATC supports the AHS position.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Sly
    If I'm not mistaken the ATC supports the AHS position.
    You are correct Sly. Dave Startzell, Executive Director of the ATC is a member of the Board of Directors of AHS, and has been for several years. In fact, he was just appointed Chairman, and is involved in developing policy - on issues like the Roadless Rule, Clean Air, accessibility, and so on.

    My point is that American Hiking Society and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy do not work at cross purposes. ATC is a member organization of AHS, and we serve their interests.

  16. #16

    Default Teatime

    You can support someone, but not support everything they do. I think that's one of the pitfalls in modern political activism. People (not necessarily you...but lots of politicals) are considered disloyal if you disagree. That's one reason I like McCain (and he is even a damn Republican). McCain will say something is wrong, even if it disagrees with his party....see his new law on trying to end abuse for prisoners in our military custody. He will call it on the Dems too. I may not agree with all McCain says or does...but I sure respect him...at least so far. I believe the repulsion of the Roadless rule will give the corporations more freedom to do things like what they did in SNP and all over the South. We don't have much wilderness left...it needs to be protected.
    My .02
    "I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo


  17. #17
    Registered User
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    In fact I've never seen a politician who accurately represents my personal views. I just pick one or two things that seem to be likely to be affected by a particular candidate that are important to me and pick that candidate. I'd drop Bush like a hot potato if the next guy was gonna protect the environment (in a way that made sense for the worlds expanding global economy) and legalize weed AND continue the campaign to promote democracy and fight radical islamism. I figure the environment will last out the war and we'll still be able to pass some greener laws down the road after global cooperation of democracies makes it possible to negotiate these things rationally. Or mabye a green movement among conservatives will develop. I'm sure it will be far more rational and effective in its efforts to preserve the environment than the current motley assortment of radical eco-"terrorists" and treehuggers who believe all the hyped psuedo-science that passes for an environmental movement these days...

  18. #18
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    I might sign the petition though.

  19. #19


    Teatime wrote:
    When policies are made, those who make them must look at all sides of an issue and try to do what is best for all.
    best for all...man what planet are you from...Aren't most of the political decisions of either party influenced by what they believe will get them votes which is heavily influenced by campaign contributors and lobbyists inside the beltway?

    Every decision made by every person in every walk of life is, for to the most part, selfish. Individuals, corportations, government, religion etc....I don't care what it is...it's all self-serving (money, power, prestige, etc.)

    Unfortunately, the republicans don't give a ***** about the environment and it's not because they don't like mountains, trees, the outdoors, trails, birds and clean water. They have to "pay back" their biggest supporters...the loggers, lumber, paper, manufacturing, chemicals, etc.

    Convince me they do "what's best for all"...I'm all ears.

  20. #20
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    Every decision made by every person in every walk of life is, for to the most part, selfish. Individuals, corportations, government, religion etc....I don't care what it is...it's all self-serving (money, power, prestige, etc.)
    Enlightened self interest is the only hope we have of motivating the population of the world to save itself. What other reasoning would be better?
    Additionally, you should take another look at the people around you. Any of them parents? Teachers? scientists? almost all of the people i know take pride in our civilisation, built through the cooperation and sacrifice of our ancestors and delight in contributing the the further development of civilisation, the arts, sciences etc. etc. I'm one of those people who never bets against his own team...

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