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  1. #321
    Registered User ant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by madgoat View Post
    Always keep in mind that his stated goal is to lose 200 pounds. We have to be careful not to put our goals and expectations on him. If he has lost 55 pounds, then he is doing an amazing job.
    Basically he's just moving for what looks like the first time in a long time. When you're 200+ lbs overweight and suddenly change your lifestyle away from what got you that weigh, the weight drops fast.

  2. #322
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    Let me go

  3. #323
    Registered User JNI64's Avatar
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    I've been watching second chance from near the beginning and got my respect takes a lot of nads, to go out there by yourself and the shape he's in and do a long hike. But another fella started hiking who hiked the AT last year IBTAT, wow what a contrast between two hikers like night and day, lol kinda funny to watch I've never heard second chance cuss , IBTAT every other word f this f that...........

  4. #324
    Registered User Megapixel's Avatar
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    Second Chance is definitely an inspiration. Likewise, it is pretty darn cool to see the physical transformation from the first video until now. I'm pretty sure every episode has at least one movie reference.
    2011 H.F.-Duncannon, Katahdin-Rangeley
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  5. #325
    Registered User sketcher709's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venchka View Post
    His videos are WAY behind REALITY. Cory is somewhere between San Jacinto and probably Big Bear. Difficult to tell with his haphazard reporting.
    I don’t have all of the story RE: San Jacinto yet.
    I do know that hikers are being asked to road walk around Baden Powell. Crunchmaster’s videos are where I got that information.
    I believe that is by design. Too many stalkers, weirdo's and dangerous people out there and Corey has developed a huge following. They are purposely making it difficult to know exactly where he is and that is probably a smart move.

    I wish people would stop hypothesizing as to whether he will finish, go back to his old habits when he is done, the fact that people are so much further ahead of him, and multitude of suggestions that he is a wimp in one way or another or any other multitude of sins real or imagined. Sure, his average miles per day is low, in the beginning he could barely crawl a mile and he had to stop both due to weather and injury. He has done some 15 mile days so good for him! He can walk and talk now, something he could not do in the beginning. He's a sweetheart of a guy, I wish him the best. I hope this hike is a life altering event for him like it is for many in different ways and even if he stopped today what he has done is huge. And I hope it leads him to new and exciting opportunities, professional and personal. He doesn't need negativity and people pecking away at with all their doubts abut him. As a morbidly obese guy, believe me, he has more than his fair share of self doubt and shame and insecurity.

  6. #326
    Furlough's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sketcher709 View Post
    I believe that is by design. Too many stalkers, weirdo's and dangerous people out there and Corey has developed a huge following. They are purposely making it difficult to know exactly where he is and that is probably a smart move. I wish people would stop hypothesizing as to whether he will finish, go back to his old habits when he is done, the fact that people are so much further ahead of him, and multitude of suggestions that he is a wimp in one way or another or any other multitude of sins real or imagined. Sure, his average miles per day is low, in the beginning he could barely crawl a mile and he had to stop both due to weather and injury. He has done some 15 mile days so good for him! He can walk and talk now, something he could not do in the beginning. He's a sweetheart of a guy, I wish him the best. I hope this hike is a life altering event for him like it is for many in different ways and even if he stopped today what he has done is huge. And I hope it leads him to new and exciting opportunities, professional and personal. He doesn't need negativity and people pecking away at with all their doubts abut him. As a morbidly obese guy, believe me, he has more than his fair share of self doubt and shame and insecurity.
    And as Corey likes movie and Tv references - In an old Boston Legal episode closing Alan Shore describes Schadenfreude - Schadenfreude is a complex emotion, where rather than feeling sympathy towards someone's misfortune, schadenfreude evokes joyful feelings that take pleasure from watching someone fail. This emotion is displayed more in children than adults, however adults also experience schadenfreude, they are just better at concealing their expressions. .... Unless they are on the internet then I suppose they revert back to a child like state, with great frequency in some cases.
    "Too often I would hear men boast of the miles covered that day, rarely of what they had seen." Louis L’Amour

  7. #327


    Quote Originally Posted by imscotty View Post
    Cory made a special video on missing PCT Hiker David O'Sullivan...

    My hats off to the guy, he looks for ways to do good as he walks along the trail.
    Thank you for posting this link. I had missed this episode which was powerful.

  8. #328


    Quote Originally Posted by T.S.Kobzol View Post
    In this video he estimated he has lost 55 lbs so far

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    Good find. He said he had been on trail for 75 days and hadn't weighed himself for about 10 days so that means that by approx. 65 days, he had lost 55 pounds. That is awesome for him.

    I've enjoyed his recent vids with the flowers and the peeps he's encountered. Truly great attitude. I'm rooting for him!

  9. #329


    Quote Originally Posted by steve_zavocki View Post

    There is a podcast with him that is done the day he is retreating (wisely) off the mountain. I believe it is made later in the same day of the last video to come out. Worth a listen for sure.
    Well, I followed your link and could not, for the life of me, figure out how to listen to the interview. I couldn't find something to click that would play it. Would someone mind giving me exact explicit instructions on how to do so. TIA.

  10. #330


    Here's a blast from the past:

    Second Chance did a Special Episode where he ran into The Trail Gorillas which were several guys who are part of the PTCA who maintain approx. 700 miles of trail from Mexico to Kennedy Meadows, IMS.

    Anyway, one of the guys was Weather Carrot. Haven't seen mention of him on WhiteBlaze in many years but he's looking good and doing some awesome work on the PCT.

  11. #331
    Registered User Venchka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trillium View Post
    Good find. He said he had been on trail for 75 days and hadn't weighed himself for about 10 days so that means that by approx. 65 days, he had lost 55 pounds. That is awesome for him.

    I've enjoyed his recent vids with the flowers and the peeps he's encountered. Truly great attitude. I'm rooting for him!
    55 pounds sounds awesome at first.
    Until you compare his 35 pounds lost at Warner Springs. Mile 110. Check out Daisy Hikes, Smiles, on YouTube. She’s doing her own weight loss battle on the trail. Last year and this year. Doing big miles some days. Under the radar.
    Last edited by Venchka; 05-06-2019 at 00:22.

  12. #332


    I’ve mostly stopped watching. It feels like it’s becoming too commercial. He has a video editor, the videos are flashy, but most of all, reading some of the fan comments just shows there’s some creepy people out there. Let the guy hike, admire from the keyboard, and don’t try and track him down. That’s just creepy. I wish the fellow well, though.

    Someone mentioned a few pages back about probably being coddled and never mentally tested and I would have to agree.

  13. #333
    Registered User One Half's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venchka View Post
    55 pounds sounds awesome at first.
    Until you compare his 35 pounds lost at Warner Springs. Mile 110. Check out Daisy Hikes, Smiles, on YouTube. She’s doing her own weight loss battle on the trail. Last year and this year. Doing big miles some days. Under the radar.
    I have to admit I have stopped watching his videos. While I applaud the effort, I have my doubts for his long term success. Hiking "every day" is likely to cause some weight loss. But from what I have seen he really hasn't changed his eating habits and that's what really needs to change for him to have long term weight loss.

    A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world. ~Paul Dudley White

  14. #334
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venchka View Post
    55 pounds sounds awesome at first.
    Until you compare his 35 pounds lost at Warner Springs. Mile 110. Check out Daisy Hikes, Smiles, on YouTube. She’s doing her own weight loss battle on the trail. Last year and this year. Doing big miles some days. Under the radar.
    I don't get why it has to be a competition. That's still 20 pounds in a very short timeframe. A typical person losing would take 2 1/2 months at best to drop 20 pounds. And about 7 months for 55 pounds at the generally recommended 2 pounds per week. (according to the CDC at " evidence shows that people who lose weight gradually and steadily (about 1 to 2 pounds per week) are more successful at keeping weight off." Any loss in any time frame is a success for him. It's pretty unfair to compare him or his success to someone else, nor her to him. Personally I think it takes a hell of a lot of guts to put himself out there knowing full well the criticism and ridicule he most certainly will get. I for one am pulling for him to complete, but even if he doesn't - he's been successful and enjoyed the experience.

  15. #335
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    Quote Originally Posted by capehiker View Post
    .............I wish the fellow well, though.
    Someone mentioned a few pages back about probably being coddled and never mentally tested and I would have to agree.
    I guess it depends on your definition of coddled. He has received a lot of help on his journey. He is a friendly outgoing guy with a positive attitude doing something somewhat unique for a person of his size and physical ability. Just the sort of person most folks would want to help and see succeed in his journey. In the end he is the one doing the walking. Nobody is doing the hiking for him. As far as being mentally tested, he has been through some pretty bad weather, been alone most of his trip, suffered some physical issues and probably knows in his heart that at his present speed he is not likely to finish the trail this year but he keeps going undaunted by setbacks. As emotional as he is times, I think is he is mentally tougher than you think.
    If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything.

  16. #336
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    Quote Originally Posted by PennyPincher View Post
    I have to admit I have stopped watching his videos. While I applaud the effort, I have my doubts for his long term success. Hiking "every day" is likely to cause some weight loss. But from what I have seen he really hasn't changed his eating habits and that's what really needs to change for him to have long term weight loss.
    My thoughts: For the morbidly obese, take a year. Change your diet. Exercise smartly. Hike of course. Loose 100 pounds. Hit the trail. CDT or PCT. The desert start will get you fit. Build up to 20 mile days. Through in the occasional 30 mile day. Loose more weight. Your feet, knees, etc. won’t give you as much trouble.

  17. #337
    Registered User Kookork's Avatar
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    This thread reminds me of "The Emperor Wears New Clothes" written by Hans Christian Andersen .
    Nobody is allowed to talk about the " Elephant" in the room. If one does talk just a tad realistic some others tag him as negative and Naysayer and some other stuff.
    I successfully thru hiked the PCT North Bound in 2017. The year that was a high snow year and turned out to the deadliest year in PCT history with 4 thru hiker death by the end of the season as many of you already know. One of the casualties was Tree a 27 years old small stature big heart Chinese girl who I had the privilege to hike with her for a few passes in Sierra before her tragic drowning in Yosemite valley crossing a raging stream alone.
    Her death deeply affected me.
    So I think I, like many others have the PCT experience to talk about Corey and my concerns about him.
    PCT is not the best trail to practice weight loss. Even the first 700 mile so called Desert section in dangerous for a 150 pond overweight man. He will not be able to tackle the heat and water less stretches ahead.
    An overweight person can tackle the cold weather just fine but handling hot So Cal sun is quite difficult if not dangerous .
    San Jacinto and Baden Powel are practically the only two chances PCT gives the hiker to practice around 10000 feet elevation and acclimatization. He is missing both of them.
    If he can get to Kennedy Meadow this year I consider his hike a huge success but I have my doubt. Sierra is out of question for him specially this year.

    The window is closing fast. He will stop hiking the day the usual So cal heat arrives.

  18. #338
    Registered User ant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kookork View Post
    This thread reminds me of "The Emperor Wears New Clothes" written by Hans Christian Andersen .
    Nobody is allowed to talk about the " Elephant" in the room. If one does talk just a tad realistic some others tag him as negative and Naysayer and some other stuff.
    I successfully thru hiked the PCT North Bound in 2017. The year that was a high snow year and turned out to the deadliest year in PCT history with 4 thru hiker death by the end of the season as many of you already know. One of the casualties was Tree a 27 years old small stature big heart Chinese girl who I had the privilege to hike with her for a few passes in Sierra before her tragic drowning in Yosemite valley crossing a raging stream alone.
    Her death deeply affected me.
    So I think I, like many others have the PCT experience to talk about Corey and my concerns about him.
    PCT is not the best trail to practice weight loss. Even the first 700 mile so called Desert section in dangerous for a 150 pond overweight man. He will not be able to tackle the heat and water less stretches ahead.
    An overweight person can tackle the cold weather just fine but handling hot So Cal sun is quite difficult if not dangerous .
    San Jacinto and Baden Powel are practically the only two chances PCT gives the hiker to practice around 10000 feet elevation and acclimatization. He is missing both of them.
    If he can get to Kennedy Meadow this year I consider his hike a huge success but I have my doubt. Sierra is out of question for him specially this year.

    The window is closing fast. He will stop hiking the day the usual So cal heat arrives.
    [Mic drop]

  19. #339
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    Quote Originally Posted by ant View Post
    [Mic drop]
    From someone who knows! Kookork, great to see you here again!

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  20. #340
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    I really don't understand all of the criticism and judging going on here. Saying that he needs to exercise and watch his diet is really the functional equivalent of telling an alcoholic that they just need to drink a little less and expecting that to be helpful. If you've never been morbidly obese then you really don't know what he's going through and saying that he just needs to exercise and change his diet is really trivializing a problem that is very hard to deal with.

    I see a man that is trying to make a major change in his life and sharing his experiences to inspire others with his videos. God bless him. I wish him nothing but the best and hope that he finishes his hike and losses all the weight that he wants to lose. The odds are really against him but, hey, I like rooting for a plucky underdog.

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