Like you, I switched to the full size Sawyer. Also added a .3? ounce carbon filter since I don't trust the water in NJ with all the chemicals.

Switched from titanium shepherds stakes to MSR mini groundhogs (those thin titanium stakes just suck, always bend, and don't hold in any sort of sandy soil). And for the tent went from a smaller 1-person tent (TT Moment) to a 1+person tent (TT Rainbow) for superior space. When I rock the hammock I switched to stronger zing-it tarp guylines from the weaker Zline which broke on me several times. Also added a more substantial pillow for comfort.

Upgraded from the not-that-bright eLite+ to an actual real headlamp. And that's all I can think off off the top of my head...think I added some stuff to my first aid kit too.