Anyone try any new backpacking recipes this year they want to share? Or just various food items you took on trail for the first time?

I did a bunch of short section hikes 2-4 days types of things. April was cold in GA, May was warmer in VA. I found out I can take carrots and a couple of those guacamole cups for the first 2-3 days. I peeled and cut the carrots and put them in a small bag with a damp paper towel. The guacamole does pretty well so long as it's cool temps. Same for the grass fed "beef sticks" I found at Costco. I put these in a sealed bag. Definitely not something to carry when the day temps are too warm. My last hike it was pretty warm and day 3 that snack was a LITTLE SKETCHY.

I make a grain free bread (keto and Wheat belly compliant for anyone wondering) and discovered it is AMAZEBALLS on the trail. It doesn't crumble. I carried peanut butter to put on it. It's pretty calorie dense and was a great portion of my daily lunch. This easily lasts 4 days on trail although by the time it got much warmer I had stopped hiking due to knee issues. And talk about FILLING.

So what worked or didn't work for you that you tried for the first time this year?