Quote Originally Posted by Compass View Post
What foods do you eat while hiking(not in towns) that you eat/crave when off the trail? Healthy or Junk

1. Peanut butter is a crossover food for me.
2. Bean buritos are a common lunch hiking but at home there are more ingredients to improve them so these might not count
3. Cookies

For my kids it would be Mac n cheese
The only thing I have the urge for as far as "trail" food is concerned is beef jerkey, and only when I see it on display, especially if it's a brand I haven't tried yet.
Cookies aren't really trail food as far as I'm concerned. Clif bars fill the bill there and don't crumble to powder in two days.
Peanut butter is what I have for lunch nearly every day (sandwiches). I'm really surprised I don't hate it by now (but then again I use only organic PB at home).
My main lunch food while hiking is raisin bagels with peanut butter. I NEVER, EVER eat them at home (I think of them as fuel and something to keep the peanut butter off of my fingers).
Knorr-Lipton dinners don't come across my table at home - too much sodium - but they're always with me on the trail.