I have not bought/used a stove on the trails yet. But I was looking at research online about a possibility for my first stove purchase. (Sofar im leaning towards jetboil)... But I started thinking "what's wrong with a simple, portable wood/twig burning stove?

Is the wood burning stove pretty much dead nowadays?

I think i can make a coffee can wood burning stove for almost nothing (or even buy a small wood burning stove for little, as well).

Or i can spend $99 on something like a jetboil.

My question is, is there a reason to spend $99 on a fuel canister stove? Or does it make more since to buy/make a wood/twig burner?

(Lets pretend that small alcohol stoves/soda-can stoves don't exist).

Twig burner for relatively nothing? or $99 on a cannister stove? What would you do?