It has been stated on other threads about this that while having hiked up from Georgia may give you experience at hiking the AT, it doesn't give you experience in how to get un-lost in the woods.

A very basic piece of advise given is to find a stream and follow it downhill. In the area where Inchworrm was lost, that can be difficult as the hills are steep and rugged, the streams may be impossible to follow closely and the vegetation is dense and difficult to get thru. It's possible she tried this and decided that given the effort and potential for getting well away from the location where she became lost initially, she decided to stay closer to that location and hope for rescue, which is another piece of advise - stay put till rescuers find you.

As well, she did not have 27 days to "get un-lost", she might have had a week or so to the point that lack of food sapped her energy and ability to move. Recall that she was re-supplying every few days so likely did not have a couple of days of food with here. Not having read the whole list of journal entry's, it's impossible know if she just plopped down and awaited rescue, or tried to find a way out of the situation.

Incredibly sad way to die and I'm shaken at the thought of her laying in the woods, in her tent and bag, for all that time, awaiting a rescue. As well, and as an occasional follower of the TV show "North Woods Law", I feel for the game wardens and what they must think that she was out there and alive for that period of time and they couldn't find her.