Quote Originally Posted by DBRIGGS9 View Post
+1 for a Brittany. My Chocolate Lab is great too, though. You might want to seek a dog with a "waterproof coat", a Chocolate Lab for instance, so that when they get wet their skin doesn't really get to wet and they stay warmer easier and also dry quicker (don't want to sleep with a soaked pup).
I can't emphasize how much I appreciate my little black lab's (Molly ) waterproof coat. I can take her on a 4 mile run where she will soak herself in the creeks (taking a sip for her also consists of taking a swim) and she will be mostly dry by the time we get back to the car. Not to mention, I have been camping with her in LOTS of wet weather and its wonderful NOT having her completely soaked all the way through the night. I love my Molly =)

I really want to bring her on my thru but I think I'm gonna be selfish and not add the extra worries that accompany.. I would be way more likely to bring her if I didn't have to kennel her in 3 spots along the trail but that's a lot of money and time spent just getting the pup to and from the kennels/trail.