You have main 3 choices for hosting a journal.

  1. Set up your own blog either on your own website using wordpress or the like. You have control of the content. Less people will likely see it but for some that isn't an issue since its for friends and familly.
  2. Use TrailJournals website which hosts numerous trail journals from different trails. Large community that gets alot of views by strangers. You can only update it with a web connection and upload photos. Some people prefer the format there. You'd have to copy each entry after your hike if you want the content.
  3. Use Postholer's website. You can easily update your journal via an email from your cell phone with a photo attached. You can also update with a web connection and add more photos and information. I prefer this site for its ease of updating from the trail and actually prefer the formatting there. This site also has links for snow levels (more of a PCT and CDT thing) and links to weather forecasts for different parts of the trail. Also has google maps of all the big trails. If you enter your location of your camp site, it will put it on a google map for your viewers to see. You can also update your location with a SPOT device. You'd have to copy each entry after your hike if you want the content.

A smart phone is the easily way to keep a journal updated today. You can type your entries up and upload when you get a good cell connection. Otherwise you can wait until you get to town and type up your entries at a public computer at a hostel or library. Or you can do it the old fashion way and mail handwritten entries to a friend who will type up your journal online.