Finally got my father to compose his memoirs from 66 years of AT hiking including his record setting 2004 thru-hike. It will be called "Easy Does It" and it is at the printer right now. After reading it, I was toying with the idea of offering it on based on the number of observations and experiences, which include about every sort of hazard imaginable. He identified the killer from the Thelma Marks Shelter murders (and testified at the trial), he had over twenty bear encounters including one bite, etc. He agreed provided the proceeds benefit the ATC in some way.

Could I get some feedback from the Forum members as far as whether there is any interest in this sort of information? In the interest of full disclosure, it was not written for wide publication: It was done for his children and grandchildren because we continually asked him to do it, knowing only bits and pieces from various hikes. He has some fairly interesting tales to tell. If I were planning to thru-hike the AT, some of this information seems very valuable, even if I were going to attempt it at a younger age rather than after most sensible people retire.