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  1. #1
    Feel Like A Stranger Zoooma's Avatar
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    Homeless former Alaskan from NJ

    Default Lula Tye Shelter

    It seems a thread for the Lula Tye Shelter was never started.

    This might be in my plans for next Fall.

    Pictures? Experiences? Anyone stay lately? Cool spot? Creepy?

  2. #2


    I would not put off going there too long.

    From the Green Mountain Club

    Trail Updates and Relocations 2010:

    GMC and US Forest Service and ATC will be building a new shelter at Little Rock Pond. The two old shelters, Lula Tye Shelter south of the pond and Little Rock Pond Shelter north of the pond, will remain open until the new shelter is completed.

    “Only two things are infinite; The universe and human stupidity,
    And I’m starting to wonder about the universe.”
    Albert Einstein

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by veteran View Post
    I would not put off going there too long.

    From the Green Mountain Club

    Trail Updates and Relocations 2010:

    GMC and US Forest Service and ATC will be building a new shelter at Little Rock Pond. The two old shelters, Lula Tye Shelter south of the pond and Little Rock Pond Shelter north of the pond, will remain open until the new shelter is completed.

    Maybe the link says why, but the shelter is still in very good condition. IMO it's a huge waste of money and effort. Sometimes I think these clubs do these things just justify thier budget ---and thier salaries.

  4. #4
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    Read the link- they are flushing tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds if not more manhours for a celebration; and so a few good ol boys can pat themselves on the back. Makes me wonder why anyone would support or donate to them?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Nean View Post
    Read the link- they are flushing tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds if not more manhours for a celebration; and so a few good ol boys can pat themselves on the back. Makes me wonder why anyone would support or donate to them?
    I don't doubt that that kind of stuff may be going on since it happens all too often, but nowhere in the link can I find anything that says more than just a celebration is going to happen. Can you quote what the GMC said that makes you believe they are being wasteful?

  6. #6
    Some days, it's not worth chewing through the restraints.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nean View Post
    Maybe the link says why, but the shelter is still in very good condition. IMO it's a huge waste of money and effort. Sometimes I think these clubs do these things just justify thier budget ---and thier salaries.
    I don't think you'll find anyone getting rich working for the GMC. The celebrations usually consist of the dozen or so hard working volunteers that actually built the shelter. I think you need to check the GMC out a bit more before you go slammin' them for wasting money and effort... I think you'll find they waste very little of either.

  7. #7


    Personally I would like to see them rebuild the bridge to the island in the pond.
    It was used to get to the shelter that was on the island, and it would be a great place to camp.

    Photos from Walking With Spring by Earl Shaffer

    “Only two things are infinite; The universe and human stupidity,
    And I’m starting to wonder about the universe.”
    Albert Einstein

  8. #8
    Virginia Tortoise
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    It makes sense to build a shelter at Little Rock Pond. When I got to Lula Tye in June, 2009 and found out that I had to go another .3 miles N for water to Little Rock Pond Tent site I thought to myself, I might as well go there and camp. So I did.

  9. #9


    The reason the shelter was moved away from the pond originally was because hikers (mostly short term - campers, really) trashed the shoreline. You won't see a shelter at the shoreline again. Even with LNT being widely known and taught, there are still enough people who don't (or pretend not to) know about it, and others who believe that leaving as little "trace" as possible is the same thing as NO trace, so we all miss out - sigh.
    As I live, declares the Lord God, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn back from his way and live. Ezekiel 33:11

  10. #10
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    Thanks for sharing those photos. Never knew about a shelter on the island.

  11. #11
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    Green Mountain Adventure, Vermont's Long Trail: An Illustrated History (1985) is a wonderful book with an abundance of old photos from GMC's archives. I'm looking through my copy right now signed by one of the authors at the Appalachian Trail Conference held in Vermont in 1985. Above the signature appears "Congratulations on your End-to-End."

    On page 45 is an image of Lula Tye wearing a big smile. The caption indicates she faithfully served GMC as club secretary and treasurer for almost 30 years.

    Not surprisingly, there's an image of Little Rock Pond Shelter too. I believe it was photographed by many LT hikers over the years.

    Little Rock Pond is a popular site which sees heavy use and a shelter there is desirable from a resource management standpoint. I can't see building another bridge. Why do hikers need access to the island? That would be a long-term commitment of resources I don't believe justifiable given the benefits, but it's an issue for GMNF, ATC and GMC to decide. It would seem they decided against a bridge long ago.

  12. #12
    Some days, it's not worth chewing through the restraints.
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    When the shelter was on the island, it was a beautiful spot - from a distance. Nice concept, but as you can imagine, everyone wanted to camp there, so it was trashed.

    The two existing shelters are both 1962 vintage, makes sense to me to rebuild before they become uninhabitable rather than wait for them to fall in on themselves.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by white_russian View Post
    I don't doubt that that kind of stuff may be going on since it happens all too often, but nowhere in the link can I find anything that says more than just a celebration is going to happen. Can you quote what the GMC said that makes you believe they are being wasteful?
    I couldn't find any other reason than the celebration either.
    Why spend all that Time, Money , Effort , to replace perfectly good shelters?
    I'd love to know thier reason.
    Without a damn good reason its a damn big waste, no?

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Nean View Post
    I couldn't find any other reason than the celebration either.
    Why spend all that Time, Money , Effort , to replace perfectly good shelters?
    I'd love to know thier reason.
    Without a damn good reason its a damn big waste, no?
    That may be, but just because you think so doesn't make it true. There are plenty of conspiracy theorist out there for different things, but I guess the GMC has one now. Heck, at least show us a recent picture of the shelter proving it is in acceptable condition.

  15. #15
    Registered User Bob McCaw's Avatar
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    Default The one there now

    The existing Lula Tye shelter is nothing to get excited about, but the last time I was there it wasn't run down, either. It's up a short side trail from the AT/LT.

    As the guidebook entries imply, it's a short walk to Little Rock Pond.

  16. #16
    Some days, it's not worth chewing through the restraints.
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    The shelters are 47 years old - they may look OK to the weary hiker, but closer inspection may reveal all sorts of strucural issues that need to be addressed before the shelters are like Caughnawaga or Gov. Clement

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by white_russian View Post
    That may be, but just because you think so doesn't make it true. There are plenty of conspiracy theorist out there for different things, but I guess the GMC has one now. Heck, at least show us a recent picture of the shelter proving it is in acceptable condition.
    Lula Tye Shelter

    Little Rock Pond Shelter

    “Only two things are infinite; The universe and human stupidity,
    And I’m starting to wonder about the universe.”
    Albert Einstein

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by veteran View Post
    Lula Tye Shelter

    Little Rock Pond Shelter

    Thanks for the pics-- i don't have that capacity but I was there about a month ago. These are not old stone shelters falling apart or being trashed by locals. I was there for lunch and no where near weary. I've worked in construction most of my life, helped build a new shelter for good reason, maintained a section of trail and hiked to/by these shelters 6 times over a 20 year span. I have a pretty good ideal of how things work in trail clubs and why.
    If there are good reasons it would seem the GMC would/should share it. Instead all they say is: for the 100 year celebration.
    Knee jerk reactions and assumptions to my thinking don't make my thinking wrong. I'm asking to be proved wrong with something more than 'theories". Perhaps this is just too much to be asking??
    I've never been a sheeple and if I wasn't born in a free country (served it too) I'm sure I'd of been burned at the stake long ago by folks who don't appreciate the freedom to say what they think.

  19. #19


    Let me advance a theory here -
    Maybe they're trying to catch up to the AMC............???
    As I live, declares the Lord God, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn back from his way and live. Ezekiel 33:11

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tinker View Post
    Let me advance a theory here -
    Maybe they're trying to catch up to the AMC............???
    That is funny as hell but I'm afraid there isn't always a real great reason to do these things other than to spend the money or lose it, and/or to justify the money recieved and the salaries it takes to manage that money. I realize this as a fact of life- doesn't mean I like or agree with it. The new shelter will probably be huge and pretty!

    I still do not understand WHY it is needed but wouldn't mind knowing what must be a closely guarded secret....

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